Overskydende hudfjerning efter vægttabskirurgi

Fedme er en meget almindelig lidelse, der påvirker menneskeliv. Fedme tilfælde øges sammen med ændringen af spisevaner. Ifølge en undersøgelse i USA var antallet af fedme i 1995 ikke højere end 20% af befolkningen for hver stat. Men i 2010 er det blevet set, at mere end 20% af befolkningen er overvægtige i hver stat.

For at diagnosticere fedme bruger vi BMI (Body Mass Index) beregninger. Ifølge resultaterne kan patienten være overvægtig, overvægtig eller sygelig overvægtig. For sygeligt overvægtige patienter er fedmeoperation den mest gavnlige behandling.

Der er mange yderligere lidelser, der ledsager fedme, såsom diabetes, hypertension, hyperlipidæmi, søvnapnø, slidgigt osv. Efter fedmeoperation kan disse sidelidelser også heles. For eksempel kan diabetespatienter reducere dosis af insulin eller overhovedet stoppe med at bruge det.

Stigningen i antallet af fedmepatienter kommer med den større efterspørgsel efter fedmeoperationer. I Tyrkiet hvert år gennemgår mere end 10 tusind patienter fedmeoperationer, og mere end 2 millioner patienter står i køen.

Hvornår er det rigtige tidspunkt at gennemgå en overskydende hudfjerningskirurgi?

Efter en fedmeoperation kan yderligere lidelser heles, men på grund af hurtigt vægttab forekommer hængende hud især i underliv, bryster, hofter, lår og overarme. Overskydende hud skaber et uønsket udseende og kan forårsage andre lidelser såsom svampeinfektioner og ar. Selvom patienten taber sig, gør fysisk aktivitet sværere at have overskydende hud. Det bedste tidspunkt at have overskydende hudfjerningskirurgi er det øjeblik, du er færdig med at tabe dig og når din endelige vægt. Det skal betragtes som en lang rejse, og det sidste stop er at slippe af med den overskydende hud for at have evnen til at bevæge sig komfortabelt og være sund.

Kan hængende hud forhindres efter en fedmeoperation?

The patients that are suitable for an obesity surgery are usually morbidly obese. These patients experience a rapid weight loss after the surgery, therefore it is not possible to avoid skin sagging completely. But with regular exercise and consuming lots of liquids can minimize it.

When is the best time to have plastic surgery after an obesity surgery?

Timing is an important issue in terms of having a plastic surgery after an obesity surgery. Usually patients lose weight during the 1 year after the surgery. In order to have a plastic surgery, your weight loss process should be completed and stable. To be clear, you should not lose more than 2,5kgs each month for the last 3 months. Sometimes patients can insist on having a plastic surgery way earlier than they are supposed to, this leads to undesirable results.

What are the most common surgeries after obesity surgery?

After an obesity surgery, whole body is affected by the rapid weight loss. Therefore the most common surgeries are lifting type of surgeries such as abdominoplasty, breast reduction or mastopexia, thigh lift, liposuction etc. It changes depending on the person, but most of the patients need the majority of these surgeries in order to have a better shape. In order to make the process easier, some of these surgeries can be performed at the same time by combining. For example thigh and arm lift, or mastopexia and arm lift can be combined. In this way the whole process can be easier rather than having the surgeries separately.

Are plastic surgeries any different when they are performed after an obesity surgery?

Those who rapidly lost weight have different problems than regular plastic surgery patients. The most important issue is the scars. For example in a normal abdominoplasty surgery, scar is left in the underwear area, so it is not that obvious. However, in an obesity patient, these lifting surgeries should be performed all around the torso, which means more scars basically. But, we can easily say that we exchange the sagging skin with scars. That said, less scar means less lifting, and more sagging skin. On the other hand, most of the scars can be hidden with body curves and lines.

The right diagnosis to sagging breasts is important as well. For example some patients only need breast reduction, some need mastopexia as well. Some others do not have enough breast tissue and may need implants as a lifting.

Shortly, all the deformities are considered and the right treatment plan is prepared with the help of your surgeon.

How long should I wait between surgeries?

Usually we recommend 3 months intervals in between. However this may change depending on the patient’s general health condition.

How is the healing process?

It varies according to the surgery. For instance, abdominoplasty patient stays in the hospital for 2 days and in 15 days he/she can return to normal life. For 3 months it is recommended to stay away from physical activities. Generelly patients can return to normal life in 3 weeks.

Is excess skin removal risky? What are the most common complications?

It is not that much riskier than a normal plastic surgery, but if the patient has any additional disorders due to obesity, complication risk can be slightly higher. The most common one is scar healing problem, which can take longer than normal. But it can heal with proper dressings and well care.

As a conclusion, excess skin removal surgeries have a big positive impact on patients. With the right operative planning and experience, the results can be spectacular.

Bedste plastikkirurgi i Tyrkiet